Calibration Services
At NWI Group, our specialist service and calibration technicians collectively have decades of experience in calibrating all types of weighing, process instrumentation, analytical and laboratory scales and equipment.
We are committed to ensuring our customers instruments are calibrated and meet all manufacturers specifications and industry regulations.
We provide both mobile calibrations, as well as laboratory calibrations in one of our nationwide locations. Our scope covers 100’s of different types of instruments for 1000’s of various manufacturers.
Our Calibration Scope.
What happens during a calibration?
When we perform a Balance & Scale Performance Check, your equipment will be tested against a known and calibrated accurate reference. A signed certificate will be issued which displays the results.
How often do I need my instruments calibrated?
Calibration frequency can vary from monthly to 10 yearly depending on how it is used as well as your quality management system. Most manufactures typically specify an annual frequency for equipment that incorporate electronics, as the internal components drift over time. However other instruments such as reference masses may not drift as quickly and can have a longer calibration interval. A good guide for calibration intervals is the NATA General Equipment Table.
View the NATA General Equipment Table.
What calibration options are available to me?
There are multiple options available for calibration. At NWI Calibration we offer Standard Performance Check Calibration Services and we are also NATA Accredited to provide NATA Calibrations across a broad scope. Please visit our Accreditations page to find out more about our NATA scope.
Do you provide onsite calibration services?
NWI Group have five accredited laboratories across Australia. Our sales representatives will be able to provide advice on whether your instrument requires onsite or laboratory calibration.
Our Laboratories
𖡡 Sydney
Unit 1/88 Magowar Road, Girraween NSW 2145

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